Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Aurora 3 month session {by footsteps photography-Boise infant photographer}

Jasmine and Saul spent the afternoon with us with their beautiful little baby girl Aurora.  Jasmine had told us she wanted a session with love in mind, not hard to do as you can feel the love they share through these images.  Rorie is such a sweet, precious little baby, definitely sugar and spice and everything nice.  Although our  little girl was not feeling well and oh so tired, she was such a trooper and kept the smiles coming.  We really enjoyed getting to know Jasmine and Saul and creating not only clients but friends.  Looking forward to seeing them again very soon. Here are a few of our favorites from this beautiful, amazing family's session.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Happy Valentines Day! On this day of "love" I am sharing what love means to me. I never knew the real meaning of love until I became a mother. Something magical happens when you bring a little person into this world... it's like your heart really does grow ten times it's previous size!
I have never felt so in love in my entire life. It's as if everything that makes up my little boy is the definition of perfection. He has the perfect laugh that never fails to bring a smile to my face. His hugs melt my heart and make my day. He has the perfect little toes that he loves to make me smell and say "stinky toes!". And his heart is truly made of gold, so pure and innocent.
I experienced watching him get embarrassed for the first time recently, and my heart broke in two. His recovery was about ten seconds, but I have yet to fully recover. His face flushed red and as he buried it into the couch, I felt real tears come to my eyes. I care more for my little man than anything on this planet and he has shown me the real meaning of love.
So happy Valentines Day! Enjoy the love(s) of your life today and everyday!

My love, my other love (my husband) and Me at the Niners vs Rams game 2012

Monday, February 11, 2013

Hudson! {by footsteps photography- Nampa, ID newborn photographer}

Two of my best friends had babies! I posted Lacin's last week. Here is the other baby from my other best friend. She was so nervous about being a mama, but I have to say she is a natural! I love holding this tiny bundle! He is such a sweet sleeper. Congrats Sunny and Justin, you guys are already amazing parents... Hudson is a lucky little boy!

Marka is 1! {by footsteps photography-Boise Cake Smash photographer}

Little miss Marka is so tiny. She has the daintiest little features and she ate her cake quite daintily too. The only thing that is not tiny on this little girl is her big beautiful blue eyes that are going to break some hearts when she gets older. Thanks Megan for bringing her out here for her birthday cake smash shoot. We had so much fun!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Riley and Big Sissy Dailey {by footsteps photography- Boise, ID Newborn Photographer}

Dev had another beautiful baby girl! This precious angel was so fun to shoot! We loved how Devry said to us, "be creative and do whatever" :) when we asked what she wanted for the shoot. So we got creative and decided to do something brand new. It was fun to make a new Valentine's themed backdrop just for these two. She did such great job in picking out their outfits. The shoot was just really awesome. We just LOVE how the pictures turned out. Thanks Devry, and Congrats to you and Dan!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Baby L {by footsteps photography- Boise, ID newborn photographer}

This month has been super exciting for me! My best friend's husband made it to the Superbowl, and two of my other best friends both had a baby, just a day apart! You can say that 2013 has been good to me so far :)
Clayce is not only one of my best friends, but I am lucky enough to call her family. I love her like a sister, even if she is only my cousin-in-law lol. I was so excited to get the pregnancy news and even more excited to meet little Lacin. He is such a good baby and did so great during his big newborn shoot! Thanks Tylee and Clayce for letting me be a part of this amazing time in your lives! I love you guys!
Love, Aubs

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Camarie is 9 Months! {by Footsteps Photography- Boise Family Photographer}

We have had the privilege of watching this little girl grow! She is one of the prettiest babies I think either of us have seen and we LOVE every time we get to see her for a photo shoot.
